10 WLW & Lesbian Roommate Romance Novels

When I first set out to write my latest romance, The Roommate Arrangement, I started to wonder: Are there other WLW or lesbian roommate romance novels out there? At first, I couldn’t think of any, then one or two came to mind. Definitely not enough for such a fun romance trope! Sharing living space […]
My beta readers answer 3 questions about my latest lesbian romance, The Roommate Arrangement

It’s Beta Reader Appreciation Day! Not that I don’t appreciate my beta readers the other 364 days of the year. I definitely do. I have an awesome team of “guinea pig” readers who accompany me on the journey through my first draft and provide me with feedback, constructive criticism, and encouragement. To celebrate Beta […]
Interview with lesbian fiction author Jae — yes, me — and a book giveaway

Today’s interviewee is a surprise guest—me. Yes, that’s right. Jae, author of f/f slow-burn romances, is interviewing herself. Well, kind of. Let me explain what happened. One of the other authors I have lined up for an interview and giveaway had to switch to a later date, so I thought: Why not post an interview […]