
Sapphic Slow-burn romances

WLW & lesbian mysteries, crime fiction & thriller (F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge #3)

lesbian mysteries, crime fiction & thriller


The F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge was off to a great start with the ice queen characters puzzle and the Ylva Publishing puzzle. Today’s puzzle is featuring WLW & lesbian mysteries, crime fiction, and thrillers.

If you are discovering the F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge only now, read up on the rules and prizes, then come back here and try to solve the mysteries/crime/thriller puzzle.

You can either download the crossword grid by right-clicking on the picture below or download the PDF with the crossword grid and the clues. You don’t necessarily need a printer to play. You don’t need to send in the filled-out puzzle to play; all you need to do is email me the solution.

lesbian mysteries, crime fiction & thriller

Here are the clues for the WLW & lesbian mysteries, crime fiction & thrillers crossword puzzle:

  1. Huntress by A.E. Radley: Amy bans the police from her shop after they call her coffee what?
  2. Maladaptation by Adan Ramie: How many dollars does Lee tip Sunny in the first chapter?
  3. Collide-O-Scope by Andrea Bramhall: In which British Coastal County does Kate Brannon do her investigating?
  4. Galileo by Ann McMan: What drink do Evan and Father Tim share the night they wait for the aurora borealis?
  5. Steel City Confidential by Anne Hagan: What is the real first name of Ro’s murder suspect client?
  6. Killer Instinct by Barbara Winkes: Killer Instinct is set during which holiday season?
  7. No Good Reason by Cari Hunter: What does Sanne’s date put down next to the after-dinner mints?
  8. A Matter of Blood by Catherine Maiorisi: What’s the name of Corelli’s captain?
  9. Catch Me When I’m Falling by Cheryl A. Head: Who asks Charlie to investigate the murders of the homeless in Detroit?
  10. Requiem for Immortals by Lee Winter: What is the surname of the composer whom Requiem uses to settle her mind before and after an assassination?
  11. Strictly Need to Know by MB Austin: Who is Maji Rios assigned to protect from the mob?
  12. Deadeye: A Luce Hansen Thriller by Meredith Doench: What is the name of Luce Hansen’s lover?
  13. Phoenix by Mildred Gail Digby: What food does Pam suggest Ashe eat?
  14. Stoner McTavish by Sarah Dreher: What’s the name of Stoner’s best friend?
  15. Sandman by Tammy Bird: What color is the shoe found on the first of Sandman’s victims uncovered on the beach?


Check back for hints

If you are struggling to solve the mysteries/crime/thriller puzzle, check back this weekend. I’ll invite the authors to post hints in the comments section of this blog that will help you solve the puzzle. Some authors will also drop by my Facebook Reader Group to give you some hints.


Send me the solution to be entered into the drawing

Once you solved the crossword puzzle, send me the solution word, and you’ll be entered into the drawing for one ebook copy of Catch Me When I’m Falling by Cheryl A. Head and a signed paperback copy of Huntress by A.E. Radley.

To be entered into the drawing, send me the solution by February 16, 10 a.m. CET. I’ll draw the winners using a random numbers generator.

You’ll also be entered into the drawing for the grand prize at the end of the year, with a chance to win a book package, plus an autograph book full of autograph of popular WLW & lesbian fiction authors.

You’ll find my email address on my contact page.


Subscribe to this blog to get future F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge posts

If you’d like to get all future Crossword Challenge posts sent to your in-box, subscribe to my blog.


Happy reading and crossword-puzzling!


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3 Responses

  1. Love solving crossword puzzles and these are great. Jae, you rock !! Much thanks to all the authors and publishers involved also.

  2. Love this area of fiction, so I’ve read more than half of these and am happy to discover the rest. Great company to be in!

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