Sapphic 5-star reads (Book Unicorn #9)

This week’s Sapphic Book Bingo category features sapphic five-star reads (books with an average rating of 5 stars on Amazon)
Sapphic book set in a country or state you haven’t visited (Sapphic Book Bingo 2023 #9)

This week’s Sapphic Book Bingo post is a big one, with a long list of book recommendations. It features sapphic books that are set in a country or a US state you haven’t visited yet.
One of the greatest things about reading is that it transports us to new, faraway places. It enables us to travel the world without leaving the comfort of our homes. For this category, I invite you to travel to a place you haven’t experienced before.
Both main characters have brown eyes (Book Unicorn #4)

For this week’s Sapphic Book Bingo category, read a sapphic book in which both main character have brown eyes.
In real life, brown is the most common eye color. 70-80% of the world’s population have brown eyes. It’s not rare to find characters with brown eyes, but usually, only one of the main characters has brown eyes, while authors will often give the other protagonist a different eye color to set the two characters apart and not make them look too similar. That’s why a sapphic book with two main characters who have brown eyes is pretty rare—at least if both main characters are white.
In books in which both main characters are people of color, this isn’t a Unicorn category at all. But then again, women of color are still very underrepresented in sapphic fiction.
Sapphic Book with an inheritance (Sapphic Book Bingo 2023 #7)

For this week’s Sapphic Book Bingo, read a sapphic book in which one of the main characters inherits something within the first three chapters of the book and the inheritance plays an important role in the book.
The inheritance could be money, a house or property, a company, or any other material possession. If you want to get creative, you could also read a book in which the character inherits a title.
Co-authored sapphic book (Sapphic Book Bingo 2023 #5)

This week’s category of the Sapphic Book Bingo features co-authored sapphic books, meaning books that have been written as a collaboration of at least two writers.
It can’t be an anthology in which each author worked on their story independently or a book that uses two different pen names of the same author on the cover.
Most of the time, both authors names will be on the cover, but sometimes, the authors also create a pen name that they use for their co-authored books, so you might have to do a bit of research to find out which books have really been created by two (or more) different authors.
Sapphic book featuring a blind date (Sapphic Book Bingo 2023 #3)

This week’s category of the Sapphic Book Bingo features blind dates! Usually, the two main characters go on a blind date with each other, but you can also read a book in which the protagonist goes on a blind date with someone else.