Sapphic book with a non-human character (Sapphic Book Bingo #14)

For this week’s Sapphic Book Bingo square, read a sapphic book with a main character who is not human.
It could be a book about a lesbian vampire, a bisexual werewolf, a pansexual shape-shifter, a queer alien, or any other sapphic main character who isn’t human.
Usually, you’ll find those characters in all subgenres of speculative fiction such as fantasy, science fiction, paranormal romance, urban fantasy, dystopian or post-apocalyptic fiction, etc.
Right now, I’m hosting a big Sapphic Speculative Fiction Giveaway with 50 book prizes, plus my lesbian vampire romance Good Enough to Eat is on sale for 99 cents for a few days, so don’t forget to check the links for the book sale & the giveaway!