
Sapphic Slow-burn romances

Paper Love travel guide – take a look at these photos while you read

I had a lot of great feedback regarding the setting in my romance novel Paper Love, which is set in Freiburg, Germany, where I live. I really love the city, so for those of you who want to be able to imagine the locations, here’s a little Paper Love travel guide with photos from the places and dishes I described in the book. The pictures are sorted by chapter so you can easily take a look at the photos as you read (or re-read) Paper Love.


Chapter 2

This is Bertoldsbrunnen (Bertold’s Fountain), where Susanne gets out of the streetcar on her first day of work
Martinstor (Martin’s Gate). Susanne walks through the arch on the right on her way to her uncle’s store.
The Martinstor (Martin’s Gate) was part of the medieval city fortification.
The streetcars drive through the archs of Martinstor too.
This is Kaiser-Joseph-Straße, Freiburg’s main shopping street, on the other side of the gate.
A few steps down the street, you catch sight of the Starbucks where Susanne wants to get coffee
Gerberau, the street in which Paper Love is located
Some of the buildings in the Gerberau
The Turkish restaurant Susanne walks past on her way to work.
On the restaurant is a mural of a monk tapping beer
This is what Paper Love might look like. In the bottom left corner is the Bächle that Susanne steps into
The famous Bächle, small canals that run through the Old Town
Another Bächle. They are built with stones from the river Rhine
One Bächle runs right past a charming café close to where Anja and Susanne work
The mosaic in the sidewalk across from Paper Love. The Bächle is to the right

Chapter 3

This is the Wiehre, the neighborhood where Susanne’s apartment is
Another building in the Wiehre
Seepark (Lake Park), the man-made park where Anja and Miri come for their daily walks
Seepark (Lake Park) at sundown
Another picture of Seepark (Lake Park). To the right is the bridge Anja & Miri walk across
The bridge Anja and Miri walk across on their walks
The love locks on the bridge
A vegetarian yufka, a Turkish dish invented in Germany

Chapter 4

Markthalle – the food court where Susanne considers eating
Markthalle (the food court) used to be a newspapers building
That’s me on the Münsterplatz, the square surrounding the cathedral
The Münster, the red sandstone cathedral, in the center of Freiburg
The buildings surrounding the Münsterplatz
The farmers market on the Münsterplatz
One of the Bratwurst stands on the Münsterplatz. This one is a vegetarian one.
The Bratwurst Susanne eats. It’s called a lange Rote (long, red one)

Chapter 5

Anja rides her bike to work along the Dreisam River
A gray heron on the lookout for a snack at the Dreisam River
The notebook Anja recommends to her customer

Chapter 7

The medieval city wall close to the parking garage where Susanne parks her car
Street mosaic in Betzenhausen, the part of the city where Anja lives
The church tower with the stork’s nest you can see from Anja’s apartment
Paneer salad, which Anja eats
Naan bread
Onion Pakoras

Chapter 8

Bike rack along the old city wall where Anja chains her bike

Chapter 9

Books hanging from the ceiling at Paperworld, the stationery fair in Frankfurt
More pictures from Paperworld
Fountain pen case at Paperworld
The wall Anja & Susanne color in at Paperworld
The notebook from the Croatian company at Paperworld
The Spätzle Anja orders in the restaurant

Chapter 10

The café over the Gewerbekanal (canal) Susanne takes Anja to
The cheesecake Anja eats in the café
The Fischerau, the street along the Gewerbekanal, where the café is located
Another picture of the Fischerau
The Gewerbekanal runs beneath a house
The crocodile in the Gewerbekanal
The crocodile in the Gewerbekanal

Chapter 11

Schwabentor (Swabian Gate), another gate that was part of the medieval city fortification
Schwabentor (Swabian Gate) from the other side
St. George, the patron saint of Freiburg, depicted on the Schwabentor
The path up the Schlossberg (Castle Hill)
The beer garden halfway up the Schlossberg, where Anja, Susanne, Miri & Franzi have Flammkuchen
The view from the square on the Schlossberg
View from the Schlossberg
The observation tower on the Schlossberg
The metal steps of the observation tower on the Schlossberg
The crow’s nest on top of the tower
View from the observation tower
The Flammkuchen they eat in the beer garden
The Raclette Franzi eats in the restaurant

Chapter 12

The Bächle boats Anja mentions

Chapter 13

The street where Anja & Susanne watch the carnival parade
Witches at the Rose Monday Parade

Chapter 15

The fountain pens Anja’s customer tries out

Chapter 20

Anja’s favorite restaurant
Some of the delicious Indian dishes they serve
Palak Paneer
Chicken curry
Paneer salad

Chapter 22

The Japanese garden close to the lake
Stone bridge in the Japanese garden
Wooden bridge in the Japanese garden
The Japanese garden
The waterfall in the back of the Japanese garden
The bench where Susanne & Anja have their picnic
Me on the famous bench

I hope you enjoyed this little visual trip through Freiburg!

If you haven’t read Paper Love yet, you can get it here:


Happy reading! Jae
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37 Responses

  1. The photos are just wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing. The way you described the places in Freiburg in your book showed your love for the city and captivated me as a reader. Looking at the photos gave me a even better idea of the beauty of Freiburg. I couldn’t stop smiling when looking at the pictures and going through the storyline in my head once again . So, as I said above – thank you a lot

  2. The photos are total different from what I imagined. I am mesmerized by the Bachle…so cool. Thank you for sharing your city with us. Paper Love truly depicts the city. For some reason I thought the observation tower was a medieval structure

    1. The observation tower isn’t that old, but there used to be castles with watch towers up on that hill, which is why it’s called Castle Hill.

  3. Thank you Jae, for a wonderful book and providing these visuals. I had already Googled the Bachle. Your post adds so much to Paper Love.

  4. Tolle Idee, die Fotos zur Story. Klasse! Es sollte auch ein Kochbuch von JAE geben. So mit Fesenjan, Paneer salad und selbst gemachter Eiscreme.🍭💝

  5. Thanks for these gorgeous pictures Jae! They’re a wonderful bonus feature to go with the story especially for those who have not been to Freiburg before.
    I am curious if you took the photos (and used them as a reference while writing) before or after writing the book.

    1. Some of the photos I took before I started writing Paper Love and used them to look up details to describe in the book. Others I took afterwards to add them to the travelogue.

  6. I absolutely loved reading Paper Love. Thank you for sharing photos of your city. I can see how you are inspired to write all day….you live in a fairy tale town :)

    Wish I could go to the paper world fair!!!

  7. Thank you so much, Jae. The pictures of your beautiful city really added to the reading experience. I love my fountain pens and bought my first really special one on a visit to Frankfurt. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed “Paper Love”.

  8. Just saw this. Beautiful pics of your city. I loved Paper Love and now that I have seen the pics, I am going to read the book again. Thank you.

  9. Dear Jae: The pictures and the book you shared with me were beautiful. I grew up in a bookstore in La Ceiba. It’s name El Trebol. It was ours my father, mother, and five siblings. Paper Love brought me such wonderful memories. Thank you again so much. Sincerely,

  10. Wow! This is absolutely wonderful. I just downloaded the book today. Thank you so much for the gift. We are so looking forward to reading it!

  11. Thank you so much for shsring your pictures. My fiancee and I ( well she will be my wife by then lol) plan on spending part of our honeymoon there in June 2021 if COVID allows. And ot was because we read your book.

  12. Thanks Jae for the pictures of your city. Is that really a crocodile in your canal? I would have thought Freiburg would have been too far north for crocodiles.

  13. Lovely pictures! Sent me off to re-read “Paper Love”. Thank you for sharing. Fun to compare what I saw in my mind’s eye while first time reading a few years ago… 😁

  14. It is so wonderful to see the pictures that probably inspired the lovely story. I have read and listened to Paper Love about 3 times and absolutely adore it.
    The story is the reason why I am planning a three day trip to Freiburg and hopefully will find all the places mentioned in the book and pictures.

    1. Thanks so much for reading Paper Love. I hope you have a wonderful time in Freiburg! The street where the store that inspired Paper Love is set is called Gerberau. It’s in the city center, so it’s easy to visit.

  15. I’m just leaving Freiburg. I’ve fallen in love with the place! I pretty much found all the places, except from the bench where Suzana and Anja had the picnic. can you send the location of that place please?
    Im coming back for the gay pride in June ’24
    Although I must say I found the story a bit cheese at times, and too slow burning for my taste, there was something magical about it as well. I think the fact that you added so many details about Freiburg contributed a lot to the magic ❤🌏📌

    Bella from Scotland

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