F/F Second Chance Romance Novels (Lesbian Book Bingo #25)

I can’t believe it’s already time for the “second chance romance” post—which will be the very last Lesbian Book Bingo post! The year has flown by, and although it was an incredible amount of work, I had a lot of fun with the book bingo. Thanks so much to everyone who left comments and sent […]
F/F Books with Disabled Characters (Lesbian Book Bingo #19)

Much too often, the characters in lesbian books, especially in romance novels, are all too perfect. They have perfect looks, perfect jobs, perfect health, perfect everything. That’s just not a realistic representation of our lives. So for this square of the Lesbian Book Bingo, we’re focusing on novels featuring characters with a disability. It can […]
Age gap romance novels (Lesbian Book Bingo #9)

Today, I’ve got another very popular romance trope for you. A lot of romance readers love age difference romance novels. Traditionally, an age gap romance is considered a romance novel in which there’s an age difference of at least 10 years between the two main characters. The main focus isn’t so much on the […]