Sapphic fake relationship romance novels (Sapphic Book Bingo #8)

This week’s Sapphic Book Bingo post features sapphic fake relationship romance novels—books in which the two main characters pretend to be in a relationship with each other.
The “fake relationship” trope is very popular with romance readers, so you will find 10 additional book recommendations in the “favorite trope” post of the Sapphic Book Bingo.
I think what readers love about “fake girlfriend” or “fake fiancée” stories is that the plot throws together two characters who are often total strangers and who might not even like each other. Under normal circumstances, they would never consider dating each other, but now they are forced to spend time together and pretend to be a couple. As you can imagine, they get into some hilarious situations, and after a while, they discover that their feelings are no longer fake…
Sapphic books featuring an established couple (Sapphic Book Bingo #7)

This week’s Sapphic Book Bingo post features sapphic books with an established couple, meaning the main character needs to already be in an established romantic relationship at the beginning of the book.
There aren’t that many “established couple” books within the romance genre because, by definition, the plot of a romance novel revolves around two (or more) characters falling in love. The central question is whether they’ll end up with getting their happily ever after. But while the “happily ever after” is the end of a romance novel, it’s not the end of the couple’s story. Sometimes, readers would love to see how the couple handles problems life throws at them or whether they start a family.
So for this category, read a book in which the characters are already together at the start of the book. The book can be part of a series, with the characters getting together in an earlier book, or it could be a novel that isn’t a romance at all.
Sapphic books – author’s pick (Sapphic Book Bingo #5)

This week’s Sapphic Book Bingo post features a special category: author’s picks.
For this category, choose an author and have them suggest one of their books to you to read.
You can either email the author of your choice and ask for their pick, or you can choose a book from the list of 185 authors I asked for you. You’ll find the list below.
Sapphic sports romance (Sapphic Book Bingo #4)

This week’s Sapphic Book Bingo post features sapphic sports romances.
A sports romance is a book with a main character who’s an athlete or otherwise involved in a sport, e.g., a coach, physical therapist, etc.
In order for the book to count for this category, the sports setting needs to be essential to the book, not just be mentioned in passing a couple of times.
It can be any sport, from the more well known, e.g., soccer, baseball, tennis, etc., to lesser known ones such as curling, lacrosse, or ultimate frisbee.
Award-winning sapphic book (Sapphic Book Bingo #2)

This week’s Sapphic Book Bingo post features the “award-winning sapphic book” category. Read a sapphic book that won a literary award. It doesn’t matter which award the book won, when, or in which category. It could be an award for LGBT+ literature or a mainstream award.
For awards celebrating LGBTQ books, check out the Golden Crown Literary Society Award (affectionately called “Goldie”), the Lambda Literary Award (“Lammy”), or the Rainbow Awards.
Favorite romance trope (Sapphic Book Bingo #1)

Welcome to the first post of the Sapphic Book Bingo 2022!
After a short recap of the rules of Sapphic Book Bingo, I’m sharing book recommendations for the first square of the bingo card: your favorite romance trope.
I’m listing 10 books for the top 6 most popular romance tropes, including ice queen characters, enemies-to-lovers romance novels, age-gap romances, fake-relationship romances, slow-burn romance novels, and medical romances.