
Sapphic Slow-burn romances

Lesbian Book Bingo — Join our reading challenge and win great books!

To make 2018 a little more interesting for all avid readers of lesbian fiction, I got together with a bunch of fellow lesbian book addicts and came up with a fun reading challenge: Lesbian Book Bingo! How does Lesbian Book Bingo work? Download this cool Lesbian Book Bingo card (letter size or A4). Throughout the […]

10 Lessons learned from 4 years as a full-time writer

Four years ago today, on December 22, 2013, I left my day job as a psychologist to write full-time. Today, I thought I’d look back and see what lessons I have learned since then and what things I wished I had known when I started. So here’s what I learned in the past four years: […]

Sex Sells – Does lesbian fiction always have to be lesbian romance?

When people ask me what I do for a living and I tell them that I’m writing lesbian romance novels, I get a lot of interesting reactions. They range from “Oh, wow, I didn’t know there are books like that!” (I even got that from lesbian women a time or two) to “Doesn’t it get […]

The Slow-Burn Approach to Lesbian Romance

As a loyal follower of my blog, you know that I sometimes interview fellow authors of lesbian fiction. Today, in a variation of that, I’m hosting another author who guest blogs and tells us a little about her book and her approach to writing lesbian romances.  If you are at times finding reading material by […]

Interview with Gerri Hill, author of lesbian romances

Way back when I first started reading lesbian fiction, one of the first books I read was one of Gerri Hill’s romances. Some of her novels such as Artist’s Dream, Gulf Breeze, and Sierra City, are still on my all-time-favorite list. Since she has 25 novels published and more on the way, I was sure […]

Interview with lesbian romance author Georgia Beers

Last year, I started interviewing full-time writers of lesbian fiction. The list would hardly be complete without today’s guest. Georgia Beers lives in Rochester with her wife—the awesome-sounding Bonnie—, their niece, two dogs, and a cat. She’s the author of almost a dozen novels and short stories, including Starting from Scratch, 96 Hours (which I […]