WLW & lesbian books with ice queen characters – (F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge #1)

I’m very excited to share the first post of the long-awaited F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge with you. For our first crossword puzzle, I picked WLW & lesbian books with ice queen characters because that kind of heroine is quite popular with readers. If you are unfamiliar with the term, an ice queen is a character […]
Interview with lesbian romance author Georgia Beers & a giveaway!

Are you ready for another interview with a fellow lesbian romance author? This week’s guest hardly needs an introduction because she’s one of the most popular authors in f/f romance: Georgia Beers. Georgia just published her twenty-third novel, Fear of Falling. She’s giving away an ebook copy, so don’t miss the giveaway at the end […]
12 great ways to find the best lesbian books, freebies, giveaways & special offers
If you’re an avid reader of lesbian fiction, you know there’s no such thing as too many lesbian books. Thankfully, we live in a time where books about women loving women are readily available, from lesbian romance novels to mysteries, science fiction, fantasy, and any other genre you can think of. But now that there […]