
Sapphic Slow-burn romances

Sapphic book that is out of your comfort zone (Sapphic Book Bingo #10)

sapphic books out of your reading comfort zone

For this week’s Sapphic Book Bingo category, read a sapphic book that is a bit—or a lot—out of your reading comfort zone.

It can be a genre or subgenre you don’t usually read, a trope or topic you normally avoid, or a format you don’t typically read. If you stick to reading novels most of the time, you could try a short story, a biography/memoir, poetry, nonfiction, or a graphic novel. If you normally read ebooks, you could read a paperback or try an audiobook. If you mostly read contemporary romances, you could try a historical romance, a paranormal romance, a mystery, or book of another genre.

If there’s a certain point of view that you usually avoid, you could search out a book written from that point of view for this category–that’s what I might be doing.

Below, I’ll give you some resources and suggestions.


Listen to one of the 10 most-recommended sapphic audiobooks

If you don’t usually listen to audiobooks, this could be the perfect time to try one.

To find the best audiobooks to recommend to you, I asked the members of the Facebook group Lesbian Audiobooks for their favorite sapphic audiobook since they are avid listeners with great taste.

Here are their top 10, sorted by number of votes (Note: I picked only 1 book by each author—the one that got most votes):

If you would like to try out audiobooks but are hesitant to buy one or get a subscription, check out the free audio version of my short story “The Romance Bet,” narrated by Erin B. Lillis from The Sapphic Cast. It starts at minute 2:10 of the recording. This one is also a good fit for the “free books” category for all of you audiobook listeners.


Read one of the 10 most-recommended sapphic short stories

If you usually prefer longer works, you could read a short story for the “out of your comfort zone” category.

The readers of my Facebook group voted on their favorite sapphic short story.

Here are their top 10 short stories or short story collections, sorted by number of votes:


Try a book written from a point of view or in a tense you usually avoid

Here’s a confession: I usually avoid books written from a first-person perspective (which tells the story from the viewpoint of the main character using “I” and “me” pronouns). That said, while I don’t often enjoy first-person POV books, some of my favorite sapphic books were actually written in first person. I guess it takes a special author to pull it off!

I also typically avoid books written in present tense, yet there are a few I enjoyed.

If you are like me and usually avoid books written in first person and/or present tense, here are some sapphic books written from a first-person perspective or in present tense that I really enjoyed:


Try a sapphic book from a different genre

If you would like to read a book from a genre you don’t usually read for this category, check out the “genre you don’t usually read” post from last year’s Sapphic Reading Challenge. It lists 10 sapphic books in genres such as historical romance, paranormal romance, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and romantic comedy.

For sapphic biographies and memoirs, a good starting point could be this list of Lambda Literary Award winners and finalists in the lesbian biography/autobiography category.

They also have lists for poetry and for nonfiction.

For sapphic graphic novels and comics, take a look at what the Lesbrary recommends or check out this Goodreads list of lesbian graphic novels.


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3d book cover of The Romance Bet by Jae

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I’ll be posting mostly book recommendations for the Sapphic Book Bingo.

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2 Responses

  1. Recently, I read Perks of Office by Liz Rains, written in first person, and enjoyed it. I recommend it.

    1. I’m glad to hear that! I read and enjoyed it too. The author did a good job with the first-person point of view.

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