
Sapphic Slow-burn romances

WLW & Lesbian Fiction Indie Authors (F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge #20)

lesbian indie authors

It’s time for another publisher’s edition puzzle, and this one features f/f indie authors!

In the bigger publishing world, “indie author” often means authors who either self-publish or who publish their books with a small, independent press, apart from the Big 5 publishing houses. Since f/f publishers are pretty much all small presses, I included only self-published authors in this puzzle, though. You’ll find books by popular authors such as Harper Bliss, Clare Lydon, Amanda Radley, MJ Duncan, Lynn Galli, Lise Gold, and many more.


You can still solve previous puzzles & win ebooks!

If you haven’t solved all the previous puzzles yet, you can still do so! For every solution you send in, you get an entry into the drawing for the grand prize.


So, here’s the WLW & lesbian fiction indie authors puzzle:

lesbian fiction indie authors

You can either download the crossword grid by right-clicking on the picture below or download the PDF with the crossword grid and the clues. You don’t necessarily need a printer to play. You don’t need to send in the filled-out puzzle; all you need to do is email me the solution phrase.


Here are the clues for the WLW & lesbian fiction indie authors puzzle:

  1. Spectrum by MJ Duncan: What is the name of the coffee shop Anna worked at while she was in college?
  2. Good Spin by Monica McCallan: The wedding Emery and Jordan attend takes place in which state?
  3. No Other Love by Jade Winters: What’s the name of Amber’s art teacher?
  4. Finding Sheila by Anne Hagan: What’s Mel and Dana’s vacation home state?
  5. From the Hat Down by Andi Marquette: What’s Gina’s nationality?
  6. Eastern Nights by Lise Gold: What’s Kate’s favourite drink?
  7. Four Letter Word by Ava Freeman: What’s the name of the online magazine Anais and Maya work for?
  8. Love Walked into the Lantern by Nicole Pyland: What’s the name of the author Summer and Lena go to the book signing for?
  9. Twice in a Lifetime by Clare Lydon: What colour is the ribbon on both Harriet’s & Sally’s suitcases?
  10. Second Chances by Amanda Radley: What is Alice Spencer’s profession?
  11. A Woman Lost by TB Markinson: What is the name of Lizzie’s cat in the A Woman Lost series?
  12. At the Water’s Edge by Harper Bliss: Ella’s sister, Nina, was an extra on this movie.
  13. Rising From the Ashes: The Chronicles of Caymin (Dragonmage Saga #1) by Caren Werlinger: What’s the name of Caymin’s dragon?
  14. Winter Calling by Lynn Galli: What nickname do the ski resort employees call Renske?
  15. The Choices We Fake by Prent Kennedy: What is Laney’s real name?


Check back for hints

If you are struggling to solve the puzzle, check back this weekend. I’ll invite the authors to post hints in the comments section of this blog that will help you solve the puzzle. Some authors will also drop by my Facebook Reader Group to give you some hints.


Send me the solution to be entered into the drawing for the WLW & lesbian fiction indie authors puzzle

Once you solved the “WLW & lesbian fiction indie authors” puzzle, send me the solution phrase, and you’ll be entered into the drawing for an ebook copy of:

To be entered into the drawing, send me the solution by August 9, 10 a.m. CET. I’ll draw the winners using a random numbers generator.

You’ll also be entered into the drawing for the grand prize at the end of the year, with a chance to win a book package, plus an autograph book full of autographs of popular WLW & lesbian fiction authors.

You’ll find my email address on my contact page.


Subscribe to this blog to get future F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge posts

If you’d like to get all future Crossword Challenge posts sent to your in-box, subscribe to my blog.


Happy reading and crossword-puzzling!

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