What is your latest novel?
My latest romance novel Bachelorette Number Twelve has just been published! It’s available on Amazon and all other major retailers.
When is your next book coming out?
In 2025, I’ll have two novels out: Enemies by Nature and Shifting Nature, which are part of my Shape-Shifter Series. Their tentative publication date is in May.
If you’d like to get an email when my next book is out, make sure you sign up for my reader newsletter.
What are you working on right now?
I’m waiting for the edits on two novels in the Shape-Shifter Romance series, which started with Second Nature.
Are any of your books available for free?
Yes! You can download several of my short stories for free on my free books page. You can also sign up to my newsletter to get another free short story sent to your in-box.
Are any of your books available in KU (Kindle Unlimited)?
Yes! My ice queen romance Under a Falling Star is in Kindle Unlimited right now.
Will you write any more books in the Oregon series?
I’m sure I will.
If you missed it so far, the new Oregon series short story “A Place to Call Home” is available for free in most countries.
You might also want to read Shaken to the Core. Luke & Nora’s granddaughter, Lucy, is an important supporting character in the novel.
Will Lucy from Shaken to the Core get her own book?
Yes, she definitely will. I already have an idea for her story, but historical fiction requires a lot of research, so it’ll be some time until I can write that novel.
Will you write any more books in the Hollywood series?
I might!
Make sure you haven’t missed the latest parts of the series, “Worth the Wait,” a steamy short story about Jill & Crash, and “The No-Romance Rule,” which is a prequel to Departure from the Script.
By the way, Just for Show is an unofficial part of the Hollywood series. Jill & Crash from Just Physical make several appearances in Just for Show.
Lauren & Grace from Damage Control also made an appearance in Not the Marrying Kind.
Will you write any more books in the Portland Police Bureau series?
I will probably write a third novel at some point, but I can’t yet say when.
Dawn from Conflict of Interest also makes an appearance in my novel Just a Touch Away.
Will you write any more books in the Shape-Shifter series?
Yes! Two new novels in the Shape-Shifter series will be out in 2025.
I love the characters from your short story “The Midnight Couch.” Is there any chance of a longer book about these two?
I’d love to turn the short story into a novella or even a novel, but I don’t know when I’ll find the time to actually write that book. Radio show host
Dr. Christine Graham makes a surprise appearance in Just for Show, though.
I haven’t read any of your books yet. Which one should I start with?
That depends on what kind of books you like.
If you like contemporary romance novels, try Just for Show.
If you like historical romances, I’d say start with Backwards to Oregon.
If you prefer paranormal romances, start with Second Nature.
Which order should I read your books in?
Most of my books can be read in whatever order you want to. With the exceptions below, even the books in my series are usually standalones without any cliffhanger endings. You can find the reading order of my books here and a printable list of my books here.
The exceptions are:
- The Shape-Shifter series: While each book in the series has different main characters and can be read as a standalone, I think it would be more fun if you start with Second Nature, then read the short story collection Natural Family Disasters and the novella Manhattan Moon before reading True Nature. Once you have read True Nature, you can read the two short stories that go with it, first “Nature of the Pack” and then “Pigeon Post.”
- The Oregon series: I’d suggest reading Backwards to Oregon first, followed by the short story “A Place to Call Home” and the short story collection Beyond the Trail, and then Hidden Truths, which is a novel with the same main characters but is set 15 years after the ending of book 1. The short story “Lessons in Love & Life” goes with Hidden Truths and should be read last.
- The Portland Police Bureau series: Start with Conflict of Interest, then Next of Kin, and finally read the short story “Change of Pace.”
How are your books connected?
If you have read several of my books, you have probably noticed that I like to connect my books. While most of my books can be read as standalones, some of the characters make appearances as supporting characters in other books. That gives readers a glimpse into how their favorite couple is doing after their book ended.
For an overview of how my books are connected, take a look at this pretty impressive—or maybe obsessive—chart.
Are your books available in languages other than English?
Yes! Most of my books are available in German since I’m writing in English and then translating my books into my native language, German. Please visit my German website for a list of my books published in German.
Five of my books are available in French: Under a Falling Star (Sous une étoile filante), Just for Show (Fiancée sous Contrat), Wrong Number, Right Woman (Faux Numéro Vraie Rencontre), Chemistry Lessons (Leçons d’Alchimie), and The Roommate Arrangement (Un Appartement pour Deux).
Departure from the Script is also available in Italian. The title of the Italian version is Non eri nel copione.
Are there any audio editions of your books?
I’m happy to say that all of my novels, my holiday romance novella A Purrfect Gift, and my short story collection Happily Ever After are available as audiobooks. You can find a list with audio excerpts and links to retailers here.
Where do you get your ideas?
That’s a question I get asked a lot, and I’m still not sure of the answer. My ideas come from a lot of sources: something I read about or see on TV, things I experience, people I talk to, a dream, or simply a “what-if” question.
Most often, an idea for a book starts with a character for me. What if I paired an overly neat perfectionist with a messy actress was the basic idea for Just for Show, for example.
How long does it take you to write a book?
It depends on the book. Writing the first draft usually takes me two to three months. During that time, I write every day, seven days a week. Depending on the book, revisions and editing take about the same amount of time. Research takes between a couple of weeks if I write about a setting and jobs I know well as I did in Paper Love, which is set in the city where I live, and half a year for historical fiction such as Backwards to Oregon.
I’m an aspiring writer. Do you have any advice for me?
You know that old joke: How do you get to Carnegie Hall? The answer is: Practice, practice, practice. That’s certainly true not just for musicians but for writers too. Writing is a craft, which means it has to be learned. Read books about writing to learn the basics such as handling point of view and show, don’t tell. Write and rewrite until you can’t make the book any better by yourself. Then find yourself a couple of beta readers or, even better, a mentor or an editor who will give you detailed feedback.
Also, read a lot, especially in the genre you want to write in. A good book can teach you a lot about writing. Heck, even a bad book can teach you a lot! Take notes on what is and isn’t working.
For more advice, feel free to visit my website for general writing advice. and the Sapphic Quill, which is specifically for sapphic fiction writers.
What do you do in your spare time?
If I’m honest, I don’t have a lot of spare time since I’m not only a writer but also an editor. If you turn your favorite hobby into your full-time job, it’s easy to become a workaholic. When I do have some free time, I still love reading. I like traveling (especially to any place near the ocean), spending time with friends and family, and keeping up with my favorite TV shows. I also have a stationery and fountain pen addiction that my friends love to tease me about.
What are your favorite books or authors?
I have far too many favorite books to list them all. A few of my favorite sapphic books are (in no particular order): Without a Front by Fletcher DeLancey, Coming Home by Lois Cloarec Hart, Ask Tell by EJ Noyes, Battle Scars by Meghan O’Brien, And Playing the Role of Herself by K.E. Lane, as well as several books by Gerri Hill and Lynn Galli.
For my current top 10 favorite sapphic romances, check out this list.
What book are you reading right now?
I just finished A Heart Full of Hope by Cheyenne Blue.
What’s playing on your TV right now?
I’m watching Silo, a dystopian sci-fi drama.
What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
That’s as tough to answer as the question about my favorite books. If you’d force me to pick one, I’d say peanut butter. Too bad that it’s so hard to get that flavor in Germany.opp