
Sapphic Slow-burn romances

Category: Free books

free sapphic books for the 2024 Sapphic Book Bingo

Free sapphic books (Sapphic Book Bingo #10)

Check out these 15 free sapphic books that you can download from online bookstores such as Amazon for a few days only!...
free sapphic books

Free sapphic books (Sapphic Book Bingo 2023 #8)

This week’s Sapphic Book Bingo category features free sapphic books. Free book means any book that was gifted to you by either a friend or...
sapphic book with a meet-cute

Sapphic books with a meet-cute (Sapphic Book Bingo #19)

For this week's Sapphic Book Bingo category, read a sapphic book with a meet-cute. A "meet-cute" is a first meeting between the two main characters...
free lesbian books

80+ free lesbian books for you to read

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In 2024, I’ll be posting mostly book recommendations for the Sapphic Book Bingo.

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