
Sapphic Slow-burn romances

Book from The Lesbian Review’s “Best of the Best” List (Sapphic Reading Challenge #5)

The lesbian review


This week’s category of the Sapphic Reading Challenge is a bit different. Instead of putting together a list of my own, I want you to read a book from a list curated by The Lesbian Review.

If you haven’t heard of The Lesbian Review yet, you should definitely check them out. The Lesbian Review is the biggest website dedicated to reviewing women-loving women &  lesbian books. They review books (including audiobooks), fanfiction, and movies.

I’ve found a lot of great books by subscribing to their weekly newsletter with book recommendations, checking out their wonderful “best of” lists for every trope and theme you can think of, and joining their Facebook group, called The Lesbian Review Chat.


Read up on the rules of the Sapphic Reading Challenge

If you are just discovering the Sapphic Reading Challenge, read up on the rules before you pick a book for this category. You might also want to download your PDF so you can keep track of the books you read this year.


Read a book from The Lesbian Review’s “best of the best” list

For this category of the Sapphic Reading Challenge, read a book from The Lesbian Review’s “Best of the Best” list. These are highly recommended books that have “favorites” badges from two or more reviewers from The Lesbian Review team.

The “Best of the Best” list contains 14 pages, with 10 books each, so there are plenty of books to choose from. At the bottom of each page, click on “previous” to see the previous page of books.


Important note:

TLR doesn’t charge for reviews, yet running such a big website and newsletter costs a lot of money (not to mention time!). If you buy one of the books from their “best of the best” list, make sure you use their affiliate links so The Lesbian Review gets a small percentage from Amazon.




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I’ll be posting mostly book recommendations for the Sapphic Book Bingo.

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2 Responses

  1. Not to be difficult, but I only see 10 books on this list. Are we able to read any book reviewed on their site, or just one of the 10 listed on the Best of the Best list? And does the Best of the Best list change?

    1. There are about 140 books on the list, ten on every page. If you click on “previous” at the bottom of the page, you get to the next suggestions on the “best of the best” list.

      The Lesbian Review adds to the list whenever a new book earns two or more “favorite” badges from their reviewers.

      For this category, only one of the books from the “best of the best” list counts.

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