
Sapphic Slow-burn romances

WLW & lesbian books from Bold Strokes Books (F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge #5)

Bold Strokes Books


After the Ylva Publishing puzzle last month, it’s time for another publishers edition. Today’s crossword puzzle is featuring the biggest publisher of WLW & lesbian books: Bold Strokes Books. Bold Strokes Books has published over 1,000 works by more than 200 authors, among them reader favorites such as Radclyffe (whose alter ego founded BSB), Melissa Brayden, Rachel Spangler, Kris Bryant, Meghan O’Brien, Ali Vali, Cari Hunter, Jenny Frame, and many, many more.


Read up on the rules

If you are discovering the F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge only now, read up on the rules and prizes, then come back here and try to solve the Bold Strokes Books puzzle. You can also still send in the solutions for the previous puzzles.

You can either download the crossword grid by right-clicking on the picture below or download the PDF with the crossword grid and the clues. You don’t necessarily need a printer to play. You don’t need to send in the filled-out puzzle; all you need to do is email me the solution phrase.


So, here’s the Bold Strokes Books crossword puzzle:

Bold Strokes Books puzzle

Here are the clues for the Bold Strokes Books puzzle:

  1. Temptation by Kris Bryant: What sport does Brook’s son play?
  2. Casting Lacey by Elle Spencer: What is the name of the TV Show that stars Quinn Kincaid? (Caveat: The first word includes an apostrophe, which gets a square of its own)
  3. Love Like This by Melissa Brayden: What was the name of the boutique that Hadley Cooper worked at?
  4. Her Best Friend’s Sister by Meghan O’Brien: At what age did Claire develop a crush on Alex?
  5. Taking Sides by Kathleen Knowles: In which state is the book set?
  6. A Wish Upon A Star by Jeannie Levig: Who names Leslie’s dog?
  7. Above All, Honor by Radclyffe: Who is the detail of Commander Cameron Roberts’s new assignment? (Caveat: There was a mistake in the answer to this clue in the puzzle. The first word of the answer to clue #7 has only five letters, not six).
  8. Timeless by Rachel Spangler: What is the name of Stevie’s doctor?
  9. The Shape of You by Georgia Beers: What’s the name of the gym where Rebecca works?
  10. A Royal Romance by Jenny Frame: What Royal Navy ship did Princess Georgina serve on for 5 years?
  11. The Inheritance by Ali Vali: What strange ingredient is in the 12-layer cake that Willow is looking forward to eating?
  12. Pursuit of Happiness by Carsen Taite: What does Meredith think is her number one asset?
  13. A Quiet Death by Cari Hunter: What kind of crime cases do the EDSOP detectives work?
  14. Line of Duty by VK Powell: What color hair does Dylan have?
  15. Not Since You by Fiona Riley: Lexi may not be the cleanest or most organized roommate, but she is the most ____.

Check back for hints

If you are struggling to solve the puzzle, check back this weekend. I’ll invite the authors to post hints in the comments section of this blog that will help you solve the puzzle. Some authors will also drop by my Facebook Reader Group to give you some hints.


Send me the solution to be entered into the drawing for the Bold Strokes Books puzzle

Once you solved the Bold Strokes Books crossword puzzle, send me the solution phrase, and you’ll be entered into the drawing for one ebook copy of Temptation by Kris Bryant and a signed paperback copy of Casting Lacey by Elle Spencer.

To be entered into the drawing, send me the solution by March 13, 10 a.m. CET. I’ll draw the winners using a random numbers generator.

You’ll also be entered into the drawing for the grand prize at the end of the year, with a chance to win a book package, plus an autograph book full of autographs of popular WLW & lesbian fiction authors.

You’ll find my email address on my contact page.


Subscribe to this blog to get future F/F Fiction Crossword Challenge posts

If you’d like to get all future Crossword Challenge posts sent to your in-box, subscribe to my blog.


Happy reading and crossword-puzzling!

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5 Responses

  1. Caveat: I had to correct a spelling mistake in this puzzle! (Jeez, that’s why we need editors!). The first word of the answer to clue #7 has only five letters, not six!

  2. Taking sides is the only book i’ve written that’s set in the midwest. Mike Pence figures in the story.

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